Yea i know what your thinking, why does Dyzaster have a blog? Well the reason is to keep everyone up to date with OPS, yes, though i feel that Anonymous is dying very fast i do want to try and help be apart of saving them. I do feel that what Anonymous does is very good, their the digital Soldiers, and from what ive seen the Anonymous population on the IRC and on Social Networking Sites has went down, and those who are still around, no longer take part in OPS, instead they spend all their time trolling. Now i understand that being a troll is fun and all, but trolling all day everyday in the name of Anonymous? Well it just isnt good in my opinion.
Another reason is because i like to give everyone my collections of programs, tutorials, Ebooks, and so on. I have alot to give and posting links on Facebook just.... Doesnt do it as organized as i would like.
If you have any requests at all for anything please let me know.
~The Dyzaster